London Christmas Holiday Risale-i Nur Reading Programs
There was 20 days Christmas holiday in England as all christian country. We decided to make 2 reading programs with high-school students and Risale-i Nur students who live at Nur Medresseh in order to benefit from this christmas holiday.
We would like to express the importance of high-school services here in London in a few words. That high-school students are good at Risale-i Nur knowledge is very important by 2 sides:
Firstly, this brings us to communicate English people better. Secondly, this brings us to have a well-educated tradesman community. We made a 7 days long reading program outside London. Some of the members attended willingly, while others attended unwillingly. Unwilling ones were forced by their families. Reading program’s circumstance was very nice and hopefull.
We received many thanks messages from the families of students. Furthermore, students who attended the program by the force of families, changed their opinions! They are waiting the next reading program impatiently! A brother made a speech on the last day of program and said: “We understood your goals. We are extremely excited. Please tell us what to do in order to live Islamic rules better, to tell people these fine truths and to serve people.”
We created a main group with high-school brothers. A high-school consulting group was created. Some decisions were given related to daily readings, Turkish and English friends to be interested and weekly discussing topics. We are looking for a place for the 15 days long Easter holiday in April.
Best Wishes,
London Risale-i Nur Students
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