Good News From America

Esselamu Aleykum ve Rahmetullahu ve Berekatuhu,

Many greetings from Washington D.C., U.S.A. ,

Islam spreads every day all over the world , The Qur’an too. As an example of this situation, Risale-i Nur truths are being read at our Washington Risale-i Nur Dersane (medresseh).

We would like to talk about our Risale-i Nur services here in Washington; Our Nur Dersane was opened  1 year ago and  it is 20 minutes away from central Washington. Five people; some of them university students, some of them language college students, live in the Dersane. Risale-i Nur lessons in English are given on every Sunday evenings.  Dersane students are making lessons after every nightfall prayer. I hope this always goes on so. Amin( Amen ).

Our Risale-i Nur lessons that started in March of 2010 with our 2 classmates , went on every week. Now, it is going on with 20 people. We would like to share some experiences related to these lessons:

We have a brother who is not a muslim. Although he is not a muslim, he comes to our Risale-i Nur Dersane. We had a nice experiment last week: He explained the 23rd word by using 1st word. And he said:” Bediuzzaman is an extraordinary writer. He tells the Islam perfectly.

Some of our lesson brothers do not give back the Risale-i Nur books after finishing lesson. They say:” We are going to read these books again at home.”  Even a Christian man said the same things!

A man whose name is David said us after his first lesson he came: ”I was extremely impressed by these Risale-i Nur lessons. Although you are young, you are talking about Allah. I am 71 years old. Unfortunately, I was not like you  when I was a young. I was interested in philosophy in my 40’s. Then I became pious. I found the answers of the questions ”Who am I?  Where am I going to” by the help of religion. As you know, the Christians believe 3 Gods. I believe just One Allah( God). The Jesus is a prophet and slave of Allah(God). He is not son of Allah(God).” I hope Allah lets this real Christian man to understand all the truths of Islam.

One of our brothers who live in Nur Dersane meets people who search Islam on internet. He tells them Qur’an and Risale-i Nur. He sends them Qur’an and Risale-i Nur. He invited one of these people to our  Nur Dersane. Then, that person came and stayed with us during 5 days.

One of our friends named Cody said that he was a Christian, searched Islam, Christian beliefs were insufficient, believed the Prophet Mohammed(s.a.v), had some questions. He stayed at Nur Dersane during 5 days.We had a chat related his questions.  He even prayed! He become a muslim a few months later. Now, his name is Bilal!

Christian people  are looking on us. So we have to be very careful in daily life. American people have many Islamic behaviours in their daily lives. Bediuzzaman has many good news about U.S.A. We hope these good news come true.

Best Wishes,
Washington DC Risale-i Nur Students,

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