Etiket: "Mohammed Asim Alavi"

Reflections Of Imam Bediuzzaman’s Taqwa

Reflections Of Imam Bediuzzaman’s Taqwa

A person with Taqwa would never engage in an act forbidden by Allah and His Prophet. Islamic history possesses rich numbers of such incidents. Imam Bediuzzaman did simply discharge the requirement of his Taqwa and the Armenian reciprocation was only its natural consequence. This is a clear proof of Islam conquering the hearts and minds of people before conquering their lands… (Asım Alavi – Excerpt from the author’s book, ‘The Positive Warrior’- Thrilling Leadership Lessons from the Life of Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi)

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Turistlere İslam’ı Anlatabilmek

Turistlere İslam’ı Anlatabilmek

İnsanları hak din olan İslama davet ya da diğer adıyla dava, her müslümanın değişik tarzlarda yerine getirmesi gereken bir yükümlülüktür. Bu yükümlülüğü Kur’an şu şekilde ifade etmektedir: “ Hem sizden müteşekkil, önde gider, hayra davet eder, maruf ile emir ve münkerden nehyeyler bir ümmet olsun, işte onlardır o felahı bulacaklar.” (Al-i İmran Suresi, 104)

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Conveying The Message Of Islam

Conveying The Message Of Islam

The task of inviting people to Islam or Da’wa is the collective responsibility of the Muslim Ummah, of each of its members, through whatever possible ways. The Qur’an describes this collective responsibility as follows: “And from among you there must be a party who invite people to all that is good and enjoin the doing of all that is right and forbid the doing of all that is wrong. It is they who will attain true success” (Al Imran: 104).

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Final Moments Of A Departing Reformer

Final Moments Of A Departing Reformer

“I am going to die.. I will die in few hours !!.. I came here to die.. You know that ? !”. Some thought that this old man had lost his senses and was talking out of his mind; some even would have thought he is insane, a common accusation levelled against almost all the Prophets..

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