Etiket: "Mohammed Asim Alavi"

“Seeds Of Change” Kitabı Çıktı!

“Seeds Of Change” Kitabı Çıktı!

NurNet.Org sitemizde yazarlık da yapan Mohammed Asım Alavi’nin “Seeds of Change Thrilling Leadership Lessons from the Life of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi” kitabı çıktı! – To write a book on the life of Imam Bediüzzaman Said Nursi was what came to mind in the summer of 2010, during my visit to Barla – the launching pad of his struggle to defend the Qur’an… by Mohammed Asım Alavi

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Risale-i Nur’lar Tamilce’ye Çevriliyor. (Sri Lanka Mektubu)

Risale-i Nur’lar Tamilce’ye Çevriliyor. (Sri Lanka Mektubu)

Muhammed Asım Alavi tarafından Tamil Diline (Tamilce; Hindistan’ın Güneyinde, Sri Lanka’ya yakın olan bölgede 65 milyon insan tarafından konuşulan, 2000 yıllık geçmişi olan bir dildir) çevrilen Uhuvvet, Hutbe-i Şamiye, İhlas ve Küçük Sözler, Sri Lanka’nın Batticaloa şehrinde faaliyet gösteren ve ismini Tebessüm Merkezi olarak Türkçeye çevirebileceğimiz bir sivil toplum kuruluşuna hediye edildi.

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Donation of Nur Risales in Sri Lanka

Islamic Da’wah activities have been accelerating. The district is home to a large number of Hindus, Christians and Muslims. Smile Centre was established with the purpose of empowering the Muslim community in educational and economic fields and engaging with people of other faiths in dialogue. (Asim Alavi)

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Clear Vision

Clear Vision

A heavy and prime responsibility on the part of a leader is to spell out the vision of his organization or community. Setting out the vision in clear and unambiguous terms would give followers the idea of where to start and where to end their journey; it would help them develop appropriate approaches and means. Imam Bediuzzaman clearly spelled out the vision of Risale Nur Movement as follows: ‘… as for our occupation in this Sacred Islamic Society consist of the followings: Conveying of the truths of Iman contained in the Glorious Qur’an to the students of truth and Iman in the most correct and fairer ways in order to save us and them from permanent death penalty and eternal solitary confinement in the hell-fire…’ (Excerpt from the author’s book, ‘The Positive Warrior’- Thrilling Leadership Lessons from the Life of Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi)

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Between Arrogance and Timidity

Between Arrogance and Timidity

Surely millions of heads have been sacrificed for the sacred truth and let our heads too be sacrificed; even if you ignite the entire world with fire on our heads, that have been sacrificed to the truth of the Qur’an, they shall not bow down nor submit to the atheists’ (Excerpt from the author’s book, ‘The Positive Warrior’- Thrilling Leadership Lessons from the Life of Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi)

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